Day Trading Market and Volume Profile Secrets

Date: January 23, 2025
Presenter: Rob Mitchell, President and CEO
Company: IndicatorSmart
Rob Mitchell of Axiom Research & Trading Inc. and IndicatorSmart will bring his 30+ years of trading experience to the table in this rapid deep dive of market and volume profile insights, including trading secrets, tips, advice, and more for traders of all levels.
The following topics are covered in this session:
- How to use market and volume profile
- Profile statistics that stand the test of time
- Where the profile works best
- Trading “anomalies”
About Rob Mitchell, President and CEO
Rob is president and CEO of Axiom Research & Trading Inc., which is the mother company to,,,, and other ventures. Rob has been the largest E-mini S&P trader in the world at various times and has won the prestigious Robbins World Cup E-mini Trading Championship. He has been a trading system developer for over three decades and is a proven researcher, educator, presenter, and mentor, helping others achieve their dreams as traders and beyond.