
These are duplicate chart markers to what comes with the platform except you can change the size of them. The existing chart markers will remain as well. This will allow you to create custom sized chart markers that you can create and save as default so that you can draw the markers as needed to your specifications. The markers once installed are accessible through the chart drawing tools.

Please see this video on the use of the markers:

7-15-2020, version 2, added NS methods to access ChartMarkersPlus, this will allow you to draw with sizable markers and change the color of the outline through Ninjascript.

To access the NS methods, please use for example DrawPlus.Dotp(... DrawPlus.ArrowUpp(. the intelliprompt will reveal the complete method overload signature available which are almost the same as the standard chart markers except for the DrawobjectSize and OutlineBrush.

Created By NinjaTrader_PaulH
NinjaTrader Version 8
File Size 5.0 KB
Create Date 10/14/2019
# of Downloads 1339

Importing to NinjaTrader 8 is Easy!

To import your 3rd party app or add-on to NinjaTrader, simply follow these 3 steps:

  1. Download the app or add-on file to your desktop
  2. From the NinjaTrader Control Center window, select the menu Tools > Import > NinjaScript Add-On…
  3. Select the downloaded file from your desktop


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