
This Indicator is a 1st modification of the ClickLimitOrderIndicatorExpanded from NinjaTrader_Jim previous share

Combined with the 2nd PreviewKeyTest share

With kind help from Ninjatrader_Jesse and Ninjatrader_Chelsea from thread

The Script Use:

The basic script executes BuyMkt and SellMkt orders with the Numpad7 and Numpad8 Hotkeys keystrokes.

  • A BuyMkt order is submitted when pressing the Numpad 7 key (while the mouse cursor is over the Chart Window and the Chart window is selected/active).
  • A SellMkt order is submitted when pressing the Numpad 8 key (while cursor is over the Chart Window and the Chart window is selected/active).

New Keys added are:

  • The Main Keyboard and the Numeric Pad (0-9) Keys to input any size of your choice in the field of the new Quantity Selector located in the in the Toolbar.
  • The Delete Key and the Backspace Key to revert the Quantity Selector size back to zero.

How To Import:

  1. Just simply import the indicator: Control Center > Tools > Import > NinjaScript Add-On > locate ""
  2. hen load it on your chart: Right Click > Indicator or Ctrl+I > Available pane > Select "BuyMktSellMktHotkeysQS"

To Set Size and Place Trades:

  1. Put your Cursor into the Quantitiy Selector Field, and type in your size (using the 0-9 Keys from main keyboard and/or Numeric pad)
  2. Then activate the Numeric Pad (press the Num Lock key)
  3. Then press NumPad7 key to enter a Market Long trade order, then press the NumPad8 Key to close your long trade with a Market Sell order. Vice Versa for Short and Buy to cover trades.

Note About The Size:

You can customize the size of your trades by type any size number in the Quantity Selector field located in the Toolbar.

To change the size of your BuyMkt Order hotkey, simply type any size number of your choice in the Quantity Selector field located in the toolbar.
Then to place the trade with your new custom size, simply get the mouse focus out of the Quantity Selector field and back to the chart and activate the main window of the chart (click on it), then hit the Numpad7 Key (BuyMkt Order).

To change the size of your SellMkt Order hotkey, simply type any size number of your choice in the Quantity Selector field located in the toolbar.
Then to place the trade with your new custom size, simply get the mouse focus out of the Quantity Selector field and back to the chart and activate the main window of the chart (click on it), then hit the Numpad8 Key (SellMkt Order).

Hardcode Size version:
If you prefer hardcoding your size, simply have this prior version BuyMktSellMktHotkeys

Created By PaulMohn
NinjaTrader Version 8
File Size 9.0 KB
Create Date 02/24/2022
# of Downloads 364

Importing to NinjaTrader 8 is Easy!

To import your 3rd party app or add-on to NinjaTrader, simply follow these 3 steps:

  1. Download the app or add-on file to your desktop
  2. From the NinjaTrader Control Center window, select the menu Tools > Import > NinjaScript Add-On…
  3. Select the downloaded file from your desktop


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